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RE: The Audi Gods Are Angry
The sound sounds like some sort of a vacuum leak finally catching up with
the vacuum pump. Not sure what in the RR uses vacuum, though. Central
Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro
>From: Crazy Cajun[SMTP:astros@WPI.EDU]
>Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 1996 11:53 AM
>Cc: QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: The Audi Gods Are Angry
>First i want to say thanks for all the helpful hints i got a month or so
>ago with my door handles on my 85 5ks. I used the white lithium grease
>and lubed everything: handles, locks, locking mechanisms, hinges. It
>worked great! No more door problems. BUT......I still have one big
>problem and another noise that worries me.
> First, the noise. When i turn the car off there is a sound a
>couple seconds later from the right rear. It isn't very loud, you have
>to pay attention to hear it. It is kind of a whistle. The noise
>resembles that made when a plastic tube is swung around in the air. I
>was wondering if this had anything to do with the way my car starts. I
>usually have to hold the key for 2-7 seconds before it will start, but
>once started, runs great. Any guesses Audi Gurus?
>My big problem is the instrument panel lights etc. A while back the
>inst. panel lights went out along with lighter, gear selector light,
>climate control lights. However, the red lights on the climate control
>still worked. I took it to a trusted mechanic back home and he said
>there was a short on the back of the instr. panel and he fixed it. I got
>it back to school and that night when i went to use it i turned on the
>lights and they worked fine (except for the gear selector light). UNTIL
>i put the car in reverse. As soon as i did they all went out! I figured
>must be a short in the gear selector light. I opened it up the next day
>and sure enough one of the wires to the light socket had come undone. I
>borrowed a soddering iron from a friend and reattatched it. I went to the
>parts store to get a fuse and gloat in self satisfaction. When i put the
>fuse in nothing happened. I checked the fuse. it is still fine. still
>no lights. WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!
>At this pont i was frustrated and the next day i pulled the entire center
>console looking for another short (i'm no electrical engineer). I pulled
>the instr. panel too. when i put everything back together without seeing
>anything obvious the speedometer didn't work. Tach works fine. I'm
>wondering if it is because i just didn't quite get it back onto that knob
>the spins it or what?!?! I tried several more times to just pull it out
>slightly and reinsert it at a different angle but still nothing. Any
>ideas????? PLEASE AUDI GODS, HAVE MERCY ON ME!!!!! I promise i will
>clean it when i go home for easter. Maybe thats my only problem. It
>could use a good vaccuuming and a nice wash and wax.
> -Noel
> 85 5ks