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Re: Oil filter
The Audi part fiche says 87 5000 cs Turbo Quattro uses oil filter part
# 035 115 561 which, according to Mahle, crosses over to the OC85. The
Mahle OC47 filter crosses over to 035 115 561 G which fits most non
turbo 5cyl and 4cyl engines. The same filter (OC85) was used on the
5cyl turbo engine for quite awhile, but I'm not sure of the full range.
I have seen a lot of 5cyl turbo engines with the OC47 filter installed
and I have never seen a problem with one that was the filters fault but
I would use the OC85.
Take care
Jim Dupree
"71" 914/4
Database Development, Alldata Corp. (full time)
Autosport Technology, Sac. CA (part time)
Autocrosser (Not enough of the time)
> From owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net Thu Apr 11 09:29:16 1996
> X-Authentication-Warning: coimbra.ans.net: majordom set sender to owner-quattro using -f
> From: JIM_WARREN@HP-FtCollins-om4.om.hp.com
> X-Openmail-Hops: 1
> Date: Thu, 11 Apr 96 08:56:37 -0600
> Subject: Oil filter
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Sender: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Content-Length: 366
> Item Subject: cc:Mail Text
> >Also I am still looking for a straight answer to the
> >correct oil filter for an 87 5000 cs Turbo Quattro.
> >
> >lets have a vote....Mahle oc47 or Mahle oc85
> I used the OC85 on my 87 5KCSTQ for years with no problems. This is
> the model that my independent service garage recommended.
> Jim Warren
> Fort Collins, CO
> 92 S4
> 92 BMW 318i