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Re: 10v Alloy valve cover
Quattrofan@aol.com writes:
> Found an old book at the library on the original Quattro, and in several
> photos of the engine it shows what appears to be an aluminum valve cover with
> 'Audi' cast into it. Sure would like to have one to replace my rusted/ugly
> stamped steel one I have on the GT. Was this ever available here in the U.S.,
> and if so, on what model(s)?
You must be talking about the valve covers used on the Ur-quattro
rally cars. I don't know how to get you one, but I would try
John Buffum's shop (check the archives).
/// Ti Kan Vorsprung durch Technik
/// AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
/// Internet: ti@amb.org
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