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re:QC info

>There have been a number of topics concerning the Quattro Club raised on the
>digest.  I will be happy to speak to QUATTRO CLUB MEMBERS personally to
>address any issues or concerns.  You may email me at Qculubusa@aol.com and i
>will get back to you or request my phone number and give me a call! All
>issues mentioned will be addressed in the Quarterly or through mailings to
>club members. Since the digest is not comprised exclusively of quattro club
>members it should not be used as a forum to discuss club matters.  I was also
>advised by Dan of this.  Thank you.


I realize that you are trying to be discreet about your situation, however,
the subject has been broached on the list.  Several requests have been made
by members, and by past and potential members.  Your above post sounds like
an evasion.  This will not help the case of QCUSA.  People WANT the answers
to these questions, as they feel that they either have paid, or are
contemplating paying for them.  A non-profit club exists as a service to its
members.  It should NEVER have anything to hide from them.  Your continuing
practice of evasion and redirection, AS A PAID EMPLOYEE OF THE QCUSA, bodes
very poorly for the facts, whatever they may be.  

For the information of the list, a very enthusiastic chapter of the Q-Club
was formed in the Northwest Region last year.  After the November PIR QCUSA
event, many questions were raised about the running of both the national
club and the event.  Many phone calls were made, with little or no progress
made toward answers.  A letter was written by the President of the region,
with detailed questions, and was never answered.  When another letter
related that the members of the region could not, in good conscience,
support the operation of the spring PIR event, the president was blamed, in
a QCUSA mailout, for cancelling the event due to non support.  As a result
of these actions, and lacking any response to the queries of the members, a
vote was taken, in writing, to secede from the national organization.  This
was sent to the new President & Director Scott Thiss on February 20, 1996.
The members of the NW Region have NEVER recieved any response either to
their questions or their action of secession from the QCUSA.  

A point to emphasize is that this NW Region exists not despite the QCUSA,
nor to compete with them, but to serve those Audi enthusiasts in the
Northwest area.  Many members of this group (myself included) are still
QCUSA members.  Most DON'T like to operate this way, we'd much rather be a
part of the national group.  This is still a distinct possibility, if
national would answer the questions of their members.

I strongly urge you, and the QCUSA, to make full disclosure, in as many
arenas as possible, of these troubled subjects.  You cannot help the future
of our club by hiding things from those who pay for them.  Hiding club
business from potential members will certainly not encourage them to join.
If you feel the need to withhold any of the information from the members,
examine what went WRONG, fix the problems, and make a _full disclosure_ of
what it was, and how you're going about fixing it.  A free flow of
information is the ONLY way to ensure that people can't hold grudges, get
their feelings hurt, feel persecuted, etc.  A reluctance to answer the
concerns of members makes building an atmosphere of trust very difficult, at

I want the QCUSA to grow, flourish, and serve the members to the best of its
ability. The recent QQ was the best newsletter the group has published, IMO.
Keep that up, show us how the club is really run, and watch the group
_really_ take off.

I apologize for the size of this post.  These are emotional issues, and I
feel the bandwidth is necessary to try to clear the air.
For questions, or copies of any of the letters mentioned, email me, or call
NW Region President Stan Sokol, (360) 748-7920.  

Bernard L. Strub  QCUSA # 1765