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RE: Motor Madness

Virtually evey alloy casting I have seen on Audi/Porsche/Merc/Bimmer automobiles was made in Austria. I know that Bombradier/Ski-Doo (Canadian) sources all their alloy castings in Austria. What is it about Austria and alloy castings? The air? Are they all made by one big company?


From: 	scott.john.mockry@bangate1.tek.com[SMTP:scott.john.mockry@bangate1.tek.com]
Sent: 	Wednesday, May 01, 1996 4:26 PM
To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: 	Motor Madness

More confusion on WHO makes the Motors

The VW/Audi TDI  and the 2.5L BMW TDI diesel engines were designed by a company
in Austria who specializes in Diesel engine development and who has partnered with the vehicle 
manufacturers engineering teams over the past 40 years to provide engine development 
expertise and  instrumentation. 

I was able to visit this engine development company in Austria during  the development of 
some  portible  electronic test and measurement equipment (Digital Oscilloscopes) that
our company  provides to them. So who really "makes" these motors? VW, AUDI, BMW?
Only their hairdresser knows for sure....................................
Scott M.

>From: Joe Yakubik 
>Subject: Motor Madness
>On the who-made-who question:  the Audi A4 TDI (diesel turbo direct injection --
>a VERY popular motor in Europe)  uses a VW engine, but the Volvo 850 TDI uses an
>Audi engine.  So, let's see:  We've got Porsche engines in Audi's (or was that
>Audi engine's in Porsche's?) VW engines in Audi's, Audi engine's in Volvos, BMW
>trannies in Audi's; and reaching waaaay back VW engines in Dodge's (the Omni).
>Heck, my Blaupunkt CD changer is made by Kenwood.  Now I'm really confused.
>Joe Yakubik