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Re: how much for an S6 Av
ets@wrkgrp.com (Edward T Spire) asks:
<<S6 Price breakdown deleted>>
ETS> Could you please tell me where you found these figures?
ETS> Thanks!
The figures are from the "Black Book Official New Car
Invoice Guide". The April 15th issue. It's a
publication available by yearly subscription to
"auto industry professionals" (make up a company
name,they don't check). The book lists all available
options, all standard equipment, incentives, etc. etc.
A subscription is kind of steep-$69 a year for 12 issues.
Black Book also publishes excellent guides to used cars,
old cars, vehicle identification guides,fact books etc.
etc. If it's of interest to the wholesale/retail vehicle
dealer it's available from them.
Their number is 1-800-554-1026. I've got nothing to do
with them, won't profit from this etc. etc.
... Monologue: A conversation between realtor and prospect.
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