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Hey Y'all,

This is an exact copy of a letter I received today from Auto Union,
Ingolstadt.  :-)  Apparently there were only enough calendars to just make
it around once.


Dear Mr. Myers,

Yesterday we send you and your "Internet-friends" the calendars of Audi
1996, as you wanted.  But we were just able to send only one copy for everyone.

For this time the calendars are free of costs because to ship them COD
wasn't possible.

The calendars of Audi 1997 will cost you approximately 25,-- DM plus 15,--
DM postage.

We would be pleased if you would send us the mailing labels for the
calendars of 1997 in the next months.

We hope you will like our calendar of 1996, although we already have April.

Please inform your "Internet-friends" that the calendar will arrive in the
next days.

Best Regards,

Auto Union GmBH
i. A.
Ursula Harrer


I would say that the time for placing orders for the 1997 calendar is
approaching.  When that time comes, I am willing to act as the go-between
but will need to operate on a strictly CIF (cash in fist) basis.  The amount
needed will be figured then.  Perhaps August?

   Bob    Still looking for a nice Pearl White S4 or perhaps 200TQ...
*  Robert L. Myers <rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu> 304-442-1046 (FAX)      *
*  Chair, Department of Chemistry          304-442-3358 (office)   *
*  WVU Institute of Technology             304-574-2372 (home)     *
*  Montgomery, WV  25136                   304-442-3109 (secretary)*
*            Obligatory Quattro and Sleddog Content:               *
*        My Siberian Huskies would like to ride in my '89 200TQ    *
*                     if I still had one  :-(                      *