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Re: Idle Stabilizer Valve

At 09:18 AM 5/7/96 -0700, John \"Magnus\" Altinger wrote:
>Does anyone know exactly where this Idle Stabilizer Valve is on the 
>motor? I see where it plugs in, but is the plug in, the actual valve?
>My '84 5000S idles fine after its warmed up for 2 or 3 minutes of 
>driving, but idles crappy when cold. I assume a new valve would fix this 

I'd check a few other things first - if it's idling fine when warm (and
keeps a stable idle when you load it up by turning on the a/c compressor)
chances are it is not the idle stabilizer valve (which is not cheap BTW).

First check your coolant temp sensor.  It is a dual function (ignition/fuel)
sensor located right above the #2 plug (if I remember right).  It tells the
FI that the engine is cold and compensates accordingly; your cold
idle/starting characteristics would suck if it wasn't working.

If that's OK check the cold start injector, which sprays extra gas at a cold
start.  It could be plugged/broken.

Those are the easiest to try...can't remember if the '84 5000 had the engine
error code diagnostics...if so check those first to see if you have any
error codes........SLM

Steve Manning:	stephenm@ix.netcom.com (Metro D.C. area, USA)
	Mopar:	'67 & '68 Plymouth Furys (big blocks)
		'70 Barracuda convertible (small block)
		'87 GLHS (tiny block)
	Audi:	Two '88 90Q's (built on the same day)
	Misc:	'73 Ford Country Squire wagon (daily driver!); other stuff...