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RE: Safety seminars/ A of am
Karen, your credibility is rapidly diminishing. I have a suggestion on
how to recover it. I made a suggestion on facts you could share with us
that would at least be a start to making us more comfortable with your
openness and honesty. Here is what I posted earlier:
---Begin earlier post---
Let's define "clean", so they have something to shoot for. I would
recommend a full financial disclosure, like maybe their form 990,
disclosure of the finances for the track events, disclosure of the
finances for the newsletter, disclosure of who the officers and board
are, and brief bios on each, and when the elections were and results.
---End earlier post---
Were you to release something resembling this info, with specifics, or
post when the next Board meeting will adjourn to address our concerns
and when we could reasonable expect their response, I think you would
regain a certain amount of credibility.
I think minimally a statement that we can or cannot expect such
disclosure, and a time that we should be able to reasonably expect one
should you choose to do so, would be appropriate. There has been
discussion on this list about forming an organization to promote the
enjoyment of Audis, we deserve to know whether to pursue something like
this or join QCUSA and work there.
Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro
>From: STEADIRIC@aol.com[SMTP:STEADIRIC@aol.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 1996 12:44 PM
>To: Qclubusa@aol.com; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: Re: Safety seminars/ A of am
>>Because of the numerous upcoming safety seminars and newsletter deadline I
>>will not be able to monitor the digest. Until such time as these deadlines
>>are eased please send all queries to Qclubusa@aol.com Thank you.
>Is the the famous Non answer? A REAl answer is not going to take that
>long.... But all that we are getting is press release's.....And it's
>the first time that QCUSA has tried to ignore a problem into
>As for insurance costing $1000+/event is wrong K&K insurance will
>a multi-event same club insurance policy for $1500/year....
>A answer would go a long way right about now.....
>Eric Fletcher
>St. Louis, MO