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Re: timing belt/water pump


I changed my timing belt before on my 87 5KS, and it uses the water pump as the
tensioning device. The water pump has an O-ring on the on the back side of it
that seals it to the block. No gasket or gasket sealer is involved. Make sure
they have a new O-ring on hand before they pull everything apart. They will also
be changing out a large amount of coolant, make sure they use the Audi coolant
(the same stuff used in BMW's, MB, etc that is clear) and not the green standard

Paul Waterloo
Colchester, Ct

87 5KSQ (175K, 27.4 MPG)

> From: mmoy@us.oracle.com
> Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 18:07:35 -0400
> Subject: timing belt/water pump
> A few people replied re: the whirring noise after replacing the timing belt.
> Nobody else had the burning smell. Well, I checked today and now have a
> leak under the water pump. So I'm going to bring it back in the morning for
> them to work on.
> I prefer to have their best mechanic work on my Audi but he's in big demand so
> they had a different mechanic do the work this time. At any rate, I suspect
> that it will be a fair amount of work to open everything up and some expense
> replace any parts that are probably no good anymore.
> michael
> 88 5000SQ
> 100K miles