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"Electronic Ignition" light on dash

You know the light, it has a picture of an engine with an electrical bolt 
through it.  Personally, I think they should change the picture to a 
dollar sign... "$"

Anyway, mine comes on when I accelerate in conditions like passing a 
vehicle or going onto an on-ramp.  Other than that it does not come on 
and my car seems to humm along just fine.  

Ideas for me to tinker with this weekend?

 Stephen Siblock, Associate Registrar          Tel: 905-845-9430 x2695
 Sheridan College, Oakville, Ontario, Canada   Fax: 905-815-4086
 Co-list-owner, OCUR-L "Ontario College and Universities' Registrars' 
 Discussion List" (OCUR-L@acs.ryerson.ca)
 '86 Audi 5000 CD Turbo Silver/Navy
 '81 Audi 5000 S Arctic White        "It's always a broken wire."