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Quattro Club A8 Roll Out!

This past Wednesday saw 25 persons test driving the new A8's in Tujunga 

It was a great turn out and I want to say thanks for all who came. 
A whole bunch of FUN! There were at least 4 V8 Owners in attendance.

I would love to see some comments posted from those who drove/rode and 
are on this list.

Jim Reynolds, the district sales manager for Audi was unable to attend. 
Sadly his Mother passed away, my deepest condolences to his family.

Special Thanks to Jack Weir from Rusnak Audi and to Jim Reynolds 
who made this all possible. 

Thanks again to all who joined us. 

Most likely we can do this again in the near future for the A4 1.8T and 
30V V6 in the A6 and A4's. 

Paul Timmerman is putting together the schedule for upcoming events 
for So.Cal QClub members.  I am sorry to see the postings regarding the 
national club.  It certainly makes it difficult to recruit 
new Members.  I hope that it all will be sorted out. 

However, for myself, this list is the die hard core guys, 
and I hope that we will see all of you (whenever possible) at our So.Cal. 

Paul Rivera

1990 V8