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Re: Tire sizes

Someone asked about what tires/rims will fit on an 80. FWIW, I have 17X8" AZEV
w/215/45Z rated Dunlop D40 M2s (I think). Absolutley no clearance problems.
Makes an icrediable difference in how the car handles/feels etc. Isn't the
fender clearance the same on the 80/90 series?
 Also, anyone need a set of Dunlop SP800s MS (I think, not to good with all
these numbers ya' know..). I have the OEM tires off my coupe sitting in the
garage. Only about 10K on them. Excellent condition. Make me an offer.:)
 Hmmmmm....now, should I join the QCUSA or fill up my car......

Jef J
90 90CQ 41K
90 FZR1000 11K

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