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Re: Dead Audi towed by Acura!

  I had a simialr problem with my 83' TQC. It started doing it just while 
I was trying to start it. Then it progressed to doing it while I was on 
the go. Just driving along and then.......nothing! Well, I tried 
everything (just like you did). Relays, wiring, etc........it ended up 
being a fuse. Imagine if you can, driving down the road with my 5 point 
harness sinched and then nothing.....quickly loosen the harness, pull the 
cover off the back of the "cubby hole", reaching up behind the dash, and 
wiggleing the fuel pump fuse! Not the prettiest sight, let me tell you. 
To top it all off, when the pump would finally kick in, the fuse would 
heat up like a mother (Ouch!). 

  To end my ramblings, I would check the fuse and the associated wiring 
to the fuse. I ended up just putting a relayed switch in, but that may 
not suit your needs. 


Laters, Ben
83' TQC #346
87' 4KCSQ