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Re: Occasional brake warning

     Brake light bulb with loose filament or bad contact.  Replace all your 
     brake light bulbs and the symbol will go away.
     Tim NJ 90CQ, 77Spitfire

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Subject: Occasional brake warning
Author:  Doug Rudoff <drudoff@spry.com> at Internet
Date:    5/13/96 12:15 PM

In the month and half I've had my '92 100CSQ the brake warning symbol has 
gone on three times [the symbol is a circle with arcs on either side. 
Somthing like "(0)"].
The was first time was about four weeks ago it went on was about a minute 
after I showed a friend how the self-diagnostic button works. The second 
time was the following day. I checked the brake fluid level, which was 
fine. When I restarted the car the warning symbol wasn't there and it 
displayed "OK". The third time was this morning as soon as I left the 
local Audi dealer's service department aften an oil change.
Since nothing was found during the pre-purchase inspection (done at an 
independent shop) and the inspection done with the oil change, I assume 
there's no obvious problem. However, they weren't aware of the brake 
warning. According to the pre-purchase inspection the brakes had about 70% 
of their pads. 
Any ideas?
Doug Rudoff                 Seattle, WA                     drudoff@spry.com