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I have to laugh ;-)

I assume everybody that was interested in my racing saw my last post with the results 
from last Sunday.  I beat a guy who is considered to be very fast.  He has also beaten a 
few others who figured they would dominate the class in their new Celica's, MX6s, and 
MX3s.  I received a call late last night from a friend who said he got 7 calls on Sunday 
night and Monday from people around the midwest that had already heard that I beat that 
guy on Sunday.  They are all asking questions about me and the Audi.  I think they are 
getting nervous.... actually, I know they are ;-)

One guy even hinted that I may be cheating since he can't beleive that old Audi could go 
that fast.  It cracks me up that I am "in their head" already.  There is nothing 
better that psyching out the competition before you even show up at the sight  ;-)  
Just wait until I get the graphics done this week and it looks like a "real" race car.  
Gosh this iis fun!! 

BTW, the guy who questioned the legality of the car was informed by my friend that it is 
all stock and legal because I knew it would be protested after the first major win... I 
am prepared for it.

Steve Verona