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Re: The Bose Emporor Has No Clothes

On May 17,  3:00pm, Al Powell wrote:
> Subject: The Bose Emporor Has No Clothes
> Arun, thanks for prompting me to look at those "speaker grilles"
> again.   Only you were sharp enough to wonder if the "emperor HAD any
> clothes!"  He does not.

	You're welcome (blush!) -- the 100/200 non-Bose owners will
	probably now tell us that *they* have speakers in their dashes,
	(nyah, nyah) and the mystery will stand solved.

	Audi must have designed the same dash for all cars, and just
	put in the faux grille when ol' Bose decided that he needed
	no stinkin' dash speakers!

	I know I'm inviting Audi-god ire, but it's possible that Audi
	didn't particularly want to tell their $45K-a-pop customers that
	the premium stereo that they just forked over good moolah for had
	only four speakers -- why, even the neighbor's Escort GT has ten
	speakers, dammit ! :-)

	Seriously, d'you think we could install two nice Infinitys in
	those openings and get even better sound?

	'91 200Q (41K and only 4 speakers, thank you!)
	'85 5KT  (122K, and yes, this one has speakers in the dash)

Arun Rao
1001 W. Cutting Blvd.
Pt. Richmond, CA 94804