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V8 problem possibly solved....
I May be a little premature, but here is what I found....
I started her back up, pulled the heater wire connector off
and measured for 12v from one of the 2 wires on the harness.
Nadda, nothing, no voltage at all..... I believe their should some
kind of voltage to heat up the sensor, yes ?
For sanity I measured 13.86 from the battery post
just to make the meter was working.
This seems to make sense with the fact that it runs decent
on the highway were the exhaust is always hot, but runs like crap
if I shut it off hot, then start it up 10 minutes later......
At this point I need to try and trace the heater wires and find out
why no power..... that should be fun... NOT...
I'll keep you all posted :-)
Mike L.
P.S. If I can't figure why no voltage to the heater, can I cheat
and feed it 12 volts from a source that is only on when the ignition
switch is on ? or will I possibly fry something else ?
Mike LaRosa INCASES Engineering N.A.
Manager, 20 Trafalgar Square
EDA Technical Support Suite 403
603-881-5392 Nashua, NH
603-881-5467 Fax 03063
E-Mail: 76761.1444@compuserve.com