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C'mon, out with it, Scott.

At 12:56 AM 5/20/96 -0400, you wrote in response to Dave Lawson's question
about ECU controlled boost via the frequency valve:

>.....   What you describe is the key to wastegate spring pressure...  You
>want a very stiff spring rate to get you up to a boost level where the
>computer can add more boost via the WGFV....  To do this you really need to be
>in the boost already (can't add pressure if you don't have any to add)....
> But once in boost the spring rate should be irrelevant, and the computer
>should do all the control of the wg thru that valve, truly a good tweak.....
> So really the wg spring rate should only be enough to eliminate the "dead
>spot" you describe, no more, and even that can be addressed with a stock
>spring....  And that is hardly what ned or TAP or PW or a few others sell
>you.....  Eprom mods....   Very few of the well known computer tweakers do
>them, the exception list is REALLY shorter than many think.....
>NJAP  (adding pressure)

So alright, Scott, for us ECU EPROM challenged types - most of us - please
don't keep the exception list a secret.  You suggest that you have the
answer.  So tell us about it.  I very strongly suspect that the one who
makes this mod available will get a LOT of business from many of the members
of the quattro list.

BTW, if it's you who has this mod available, I personally ask that the
Listmeister absolve you from charges of advertising via the list.  This is a
RFI, Scott.  How 'bout it, Dan?

*  Robert L. Myers         rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu>  *
*  Rt. 1, Box 57            304-574-2372           *
*  Fayetteville, WV 25840                          *