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Instrument cluster lights

Hi folks,

I have a 88 5kcs Turbo with no instrument cluster lights!! When I turn the
light switch for parking lights or headlights there are no lights for the
instrument cluster. The only thing that I have noticed is that when I switch
the headlights on the climate control display goes black. The climate
control still works you just can't see it. So far I have checked the fuse,
pulled the steering wheel, taken out the combination switch hoping to find a
broken wire but didn't, taken out the dimmer/clock looking for something
disconnected but didn't. By the way did I say I haven't a clue as to what I
am doing. I have a Haynes manual from the Library that has electrical
diagrams (greek to me), a multi tester (don't know how to use it). I put
everything back together, said three prayers to the Audi Gods, flipped the
headlight switch and..and..and nothing, no cluster lights (bummer).

So now I turn to the infinite wisdom and knowledge of the members of this
group. What do I do next?? More prayers?? 

Larry Kersevich
1988 5kcs Turbo
North Liberty, Iowa