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RE: Bad Vibes

On May 21 Chris Newbold wrote:

>Help! :-) (What else would be appropriate for the Audi
>list?!?) Some of you probably remember my tales of woe
>with my 1993 90CS and vibration/shaking coming from the
>front end.

>At this point, the dealer has given up on the problem,
>literally. Today, the service manager told me, very
>bluntly, that there really wasn't anything else he
>could do. Didn't have a clue what could be wrong and
>said that what I describe is illogical and almost 
>unbelievable. So now I'm terribly pissed off that I've got
>a $30k car with a problem fit for a $5k Yugo and no
>help in sight...

I can't offer much help on the mechanics of this one, but here goes.  I
think we've pretty much ruled out the tires.  It sounds to me like
something in the front end is causing sympathetic vibrations, because
this happens at a very specific and narrow speed window.  I had a
similar problem on my '86 4KS but the speed window was much larger,
and it had nothing to do with the weather.  Mine turned out to be worn
bushings combined with out-of-balance tires.

Now for the service mgr.  I can understand his frustration (and yours) if
you can't reproduce the problem.  He doesn't want to waste time on
some phantom.  He is running out of options, so he has started to doubt
that there actually is a problem.  If you can prove that one exists, he will
be forced to fix it.  So, leave the car there on a rainy day for a few
hours, then have him join you on a test drive.  Make sure that he gives
you *detailed* documentation of any observations of the problem and
any repairs that are done.  If he gives up on the problem, you can use
this documentation to get results.  Call Audi customer service
(800-822-2834) or write to the regional zone manager and explain that
you have a complaint against the service manager.  If you are persistent
(but not too belligerent) you will usually get results.  I have never had to
do this with Audi, but I have heard of similar situations with other
companies.  I hope that it doesn't have to go this far, but it never hurts to

Good Luck!

Eric Renneisen
'90 90 QC
'86 4KS - Looking for a new home, but I can't bear to part with it.