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Re: bremerton long

> BRAKES:  I thought my brakes were good untill about the 4th lap the first 
> session.  I dont think I had any idea what kind of brakes it takes to bring a 
> 2700 lb car down from 85-90mph at full throttle.  I mean I can lock them up at 
> 30mph anytime I want right, WRONG.  Can you say brake fade.  After a few laps 
> it really shows why the street brakes are really not good enough for serious 
> road racing(even with fresh dot 4 and drilled rotors).  I think a differant 
> brake pad would be better than the metalmasters for the fade. Even when I was 

Interesting.  I didn't notice any fade on the 90Q which has the stock
pads and rotors and I was doing 100 at the end of the straight.  I did feel
the ABS cut in a couple of times though in my first session.

> CORNERING:  Another place where my car really showed its sedan like tuning.  
> Even with the H&R's and Boge's it rolled like a Land Rover at Monaco.  I 
> really need to get that rear sway bar and thicker front bar. I will say that 
> overall the 4000's were very competetive in the corners(even with the roll).  

I don't think the 90Q was competitive anywhere, especially with those
wretched Goodyear GAs.

> Other than the strong understeer it was very well balanced especially in the 
> fast corners on the back stretch.  This is where the instructer was very 
> helpfull in telling me the correct line into the corner and on the exit.
How fast were you going thru those corners?  The last instructor said I was
going thru at 62mph and that the UrQs were doing 70+.
