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Questions for r/r the valve cover and valve cover gasket

Hi Audi enthusiasts,

Could anyone be kind to give me some advices/percautions for removing and 
replacing the valve cover and valve cover gasket on the 5k turbo engine?

On my '87 5kcst, the valve cover gasket is leaky and the valve cover is 
rusty. I really want to replace them as soon as possible because the summer 
school is comming soon. I've never done this kind of work before, and 
it looks pretty scary to remove valve cover since there are a bunch of 
stuffs covering it. Therefore, I really hope any listmember that has 
done that kind of work can kindly give me some advices. Below are a couple 
questions that I concerned the most.      

1)Will the valve cover gasket sitck on the cylinder head, and require a 
sculpter to remove it? 

2)There is a talk about the new-improved valve cover gasket in the past. 
How does it performed? Is it fits perfectly? where can I get it?

3)Is it necessary to use torque wrench to tighen those nuts that securing 
the valve cover? 

4)I am going to repaint the valve cover and timing belt cover with those 
spray engine enamel that we can usually get in the Auto parts store. Are 
those stuffs reliable? any experience with those?

Thank you

Albert Ng
'87 5kcst  lot of stuffs to be fix in this summer :~(

Bloomington, Indiana.