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Re: The Calendars are arriving!!!
Thank you for your kind words, Peter. I couldn't have accomplished anything
without the contacts you found.
My calendar came in today. I am pleased with it. :-) Some of those old
photos are classics.
I'll be posting an announcement for next year's calendars as soon as I have
a couple of weeks off for good behavior. (Unlikely, I know...) I'll
contact Ms. Harrer at Ingolstadt about costs and shipping information so I
can have that information ready to go at the time of the post.
And thanks again for your help.
At 09:02 AM 5/28/96 +0500, you wrote:
>I received my Audi Calendar Friday. Although it is only about half
>the size of the 1995 Calendar, I am nevertheless enjoying the vintage
>photos of the Audi race cars and motorcycles of the 1930s.
>Your modesty will not let you tell (But I'll tell the list ;-) ) of the
>numerous telephone calls and faxes made to Audi GBH, not to mention,
>compiling the list of names and the making address labels...without
>any hint of compensation...(And even after your herculean efforts,
>the Audi Gods were not satisfied. May your old 200TQ rest in peace (pieces?).
>Just as long as you remain in one piece... Afterall, who else could
>organize next year's effort ???? (hint, hint))
>Thank You, for your dedication in the pursuit of furthering the under-
>standing and pursuit of Audis and Quattro-phernalia, through the
>distribution of unobtanium Calendars.
>When are you taking orders for the 1997 Calendars ??? I think that
>there was a post about a month ago on the details....
>One big happy :-)
>Peter Schulz
>1990 Coupe Quattro
>PS> You didn't really think that we were going to make your upcoming
>retirement easy, did you? ;-)
Whaddya mean *upcoming*? It's an accomplished fact! :-) :-) <BFG>
<BSEFG> :-) <GBSEFG> :-) :-) :-)
* Robert L. Myers rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu> *
* Rt. 1, Box 57 304-574-2372 *
* Fayetteville, WV 25840 *