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Coupe Clutch

          I'm in the process of getting everything together to do the 
          clutch on my 85 Coupe GT.  I've got the clutch, pressure plate, 
          pilot bearing, etc.  I plan to also change the gear oil.
          1.  The Bentley shows to support the motor up front with a brace, 
              not a problem, but I'm curious as to why.  The MM's can't do
              this alone?
          2.  It also states that I have to remove the downpipe from the 
              exhaust, and the air cleaner.  I can sorta understand the 
              downpipe, for clearence reasons, but why the air cleaner?
          3.  Anything else I should do "while I'm in there"?
          4.  What precautions, besides the obvious, should I take?
          I patiently await all advice and guidance......and fellow 
          listmember Mike Spiers has kindly volunteered to assist me (but 
          that's the easy part, all I had to say was "Have Beer, you 
          85 Coupe GT
          85 5ks