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RE: Idle Stabilizer Valve

Folklore here in the past has it that you may need to do the soak for an
hour, liberally apply WD40, soak, WD40, etc. for as many as six times
for it to come back to life. Pretty cheap to try...

Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA
1990 Coupe Quattro

>From: 	John "Magnus" Altinger[SMTP:altinger@max-net.com]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, May 28, 1996 10:13 AM
>To: 	Quattro Mailing List
>Subject: 	Idle Stabilizer Valve
>I soaked the sucker in carb cleaner for an hour. The cleaner is blue,
>when I poured out the valve, orangish-red stuff poured out. I was sure
>was clean! 
>But, no luck. Blah. Guess I'll wait under fall and order a new one.
>Hell, maybe it is cleaned out, but its still not working.