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Re: Clutch Pedal Noise

>From your description it sounds like the rubber bellows on the clutch master cyl 
is the culprit.  Bet if you watched the process the bellows is compressing and 
slowly expanding when you release the clutch.  I'd also bet that there is a 
little fluid in it that is sealing up the air release that should allow 
reexpansion.  I've had the same experience with an 86TQ.  I'd also guess that 
the thump is the clutch arm actually hitting the rubber stop when the bellows 
finally lets go. The stop has become dry and noncompliant.

On Thu, 30 May 1996, "Mike Hopton" <mike@genesis-microchip.on.ca> wrote:
>     I am looking for suggestions why the clutch pedal mechanism on my '85 TQC 
>     makes a "creaky-thump" sort of noise. The noise happens after the clutch 
>     has been depressed and let out, about an inch before it comes to rest. The 
>     noise is accompanied by a pause in the pedals motion, occasionally quite 
>     long, ~1s.
>     I removed the card/foam panel around the pedals and checked there were no 
>     interference problems, sprayed some WD40 around hopefully, no luck. Is it 
>     worth bleeding the slave cylinder? Lubing the boot on the master cylinder? 
>     Or has anyone experienced problems with the spring that returns the 
>     Doomsday scenario is I need to replace the clutch MC, not good news or 
>     worse the slave....
>     Thanks and regards, Mike