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Re: Chips
>From: "Glen Powell" <gpowell@acacianet.com>
>'superchips' has used some grossly misleading and outright false =
>advertising here in the US claiming 'chip upgrades' where, in fact, the =
>chip's contents were never changed in any way whatsoever. I would avoid =
>them as well as avoiding TAP. Go with the true, experienced experts, IA, =
>it is worth the $.
>- -glen
To be fair to all tuners, I think that their products need to evaluated on
an individual basis. For example, when Ned was over here in January, we
played with my german delivered UR-Q. After much playing around, the best
reults were had with one of Neds springs & a superchips modified MAC-01.
Neds modifications to another MAC_01 did not produce as good a result. This
is not to say that given time, Ned couldnt produce a better product, its
just that he has done his work on US spec cars, which can be very different
to the euro spec which Peter Wales' engineers built their business on.
Just my 2c (which being in Oz$ is worth about 1.56c)
John Firkins