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Re: V8 Fuel Pressure regulator
- To: "INTERNET:Majewskier@aol.com" <Majewskier@aol.com>
- Subject: Re: V8 Fuel Pressure regulator
- From: Michael LaRosa <76761.1444@CompuServe.COM>
- Date: 31 May 96 11:28:40 EDT
- Cc: Cobram <cobram@channel1.com>, DAVID K CRITZER <ZAMH43A@prodigy.com>, John Firkins <firkins@eis.net.au>, Tim Gortner <Tim.Gortner@pobox.com>, Mark Hogan <mark.hogan@triteal.com>, Kurt Horst <Kurtles@aol.com>, John Karasaki <johkar@teleport.com>, Chris King <cking@legend.txdirect.net>, Vikram Kumar <vikram@mindspring.com>, "Lester B. Lampman" <llampman@whidbey.net>, Eliot Lim <eliot@u.washington.edu>, "Randall C. Markarian" <asenna@mtvernon1.accessus.net>, Darin Nederdorf <savidesn@audvid.win.net>, Scott Olson <DriverV8@aol.com>, Fredrik Olsson <fredrik@nada.kth.se>, Gregory Owens <APEXCORP@msn.com>, Randall Paquette <75313.1445@CompuServe.COM>, Anthony Parkinson <vicarage@ix.netcom.com>, quattro <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>, Paul Rivera <rivera@deltanet.com>, Bruce Romero <bruce@pwi.com>, "Timothy P. Schanno" <squrt2@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>, Dave Senum <DaveSenu@aol.com>
- Sender: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
BTDT, :-) I'm actually on Sensor number 3 in 60k miles.....
1st one was replaced by a 2 wire non heated... bad idea, surged
worse than before. Went to 3 wire heated. Still surged badly, even
worse then sensor number 1. I had blown the O2 sensor heater
fuse (#5). Replaced fuse and we are no back to the original amount
of surge. :-(
I just talked to Sam Strano who gave me some interesting things to
Check Temp and Air flow sensors, Buy 2 reastats (sp?) and set them to
what the ECU wants to see, then see if that works. If it does, replace
sensor. Sounds like a decent approach to me.
Mike (will be stopping by radio shack on my way home.... ) L.
90 V8
89 100 Avant
Mike LaRosa INCASES Engineering N.A.
Manager, 20 Trafalgar Square
EDA Technical Support Suite 403
603-881-5392 Nashua, NH
603-881-5467 Fax 03063
E-Mail: 76761.1444@compuserve.com