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IA Homepage possibility?


I just got off the phone with Ned.  He has a question for this list:  If
Intended Acceleration were to publish a home page, what content would we
like to see in it?  

Ned's current thinking is the following content:
  -  Tech Tips (as published in qq)
  -  Answers to commonly asked questions

He has no intention of attempting to market or sell his products over the
'net, just provide an information service, somewhat like what he does today
over the phone (which, he says, takes time away from his product development
efforts).  If he does this, he has no intention of becoming a 'net surfer
and would not publish an email address :(

Thoughts, ideas, comments?  I'll collect responses and forward them to Ned
sometime in the next week or two.
* linus toy           email:  linust@interramp.com                   *