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RE: Scum Shield

Cool. What should those of us whose German rockets are not normally
equipped with scum shields do? Stay away from drilled or slotted rotors?

Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA, USA
1990 Coupe Quattro

>From: 	Bob D'Amato[SMTP:mx@mamie.snet.com]
>Sent: 	Saturday, June 08, 1996 12:35 PM
>To: 	Michael Spiers
>Cc: 	Glen Powell; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Re: Scum Shield
>On Fri, 7 Jun 1996, Michael Spiers wrote:
>> I believe that they are to protect the rotor from splash. The rotor would
>> protect the wheel from scum about as well as would the shield - but
>>without the
>> shield all that 'scum' hits the rotor.
>> Wonder how detrimental that would be?  More possible to spit nasty
>>things like
>> pebbles into the rotor/pads without those shields than with?
>You can probably get away with taking off the sheilds if you have stock
>rotors, but if you have cross drilled rotors, they are a must. Its too 
>easy for a rock to get caught in one of the holes and raise holy heck!
>Bob (The voice of experience)
>       bob.damato@snetel.com   http://snetel.com/audi/audi.html
>The Southern New England Telephone Co.	     |Phone: 203-771-7081
>Information and Technology Center            |Fax:   203-773-3398
>300 George St. New Haven CT  06510           |Pager: Dont count on it
>             Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro