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Re: P21S

>Since I can't find a copy of the Herrington catalog around (how unusual..)
>I'd go with Tweeks at 12.95 a bottle as reported by a fellow audi lister...

I originally got mine from Herrington, but it wasn't shown in my
newer catalog so I got it from TWEEKS.



**   Darin Nederhoff         email:  savidesn@audvid.win.net  **
**                 "Audi Quattro Enthusiast"                  **
**   Teflon makes things slick, Quattro makes 'em STICK! ;)   **
**           '93 S4 (pearl / Ecru) -in the family             **
**           '87 4kCSQ (sapphire blue / gray)-my daily driver **
**           '86 XR4ti (white / gray) -my summer cruiser  ;)  **
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