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Re: Power Window Saga

> OK someone on the list was kind enough to send me the "instructions" on 
> fixing broken power window regulators.  My problem is that the cable / 
> wire is too slack and is falling off the top pulley, which is obviously 
> bad and is rendering the window unusable.  Luckily it is in the UP 
> position.
> Is it possible to adjust the slack (i.e. tighten) on the cable while it 
> is still in the door frame?  This would be IDEAL...

Dunno about this one.
> Also, the instructions mention something called a "circlip" which is 
> holding the window on to the vertical guide for the wire.  I guess I have 
> to confess ignorance..I don't know what a circlip is.  I don't know how 
> to get the window off the thing that holds it either, even from the 
> instructions.  They suggest that I "pry" the circlip off.
The circlip is exactly what its title states, a "C" clip that fits on a shaft
with a ringed groove. It is used to attach the big black plastic piece at the
bottom of the window glass to the window regulator. The part that goes up and
down on the  window regulator has a little shaft sticking out of it pointing
outside of the car that goes through a hole in the plastic piece just mentioned.

There is a rubber washer on the shaft, the plastic piece, another rubber washer,
I think a white platic washer and then the "C" clip to hold everthing in place.
It is difficult to get this little thing off. However, you're in luck, I just
did a window two weeks ago and found a new way to do it.

First of all, you should have an inspection mirror and flashlight so you know
what you are working on. Then to get it off, I took a medium size finish nail
(about the size of one you would secure a door jam with) and bent it in a vice
to 90 degrees. I then clamped it in a pair of small vice grips on the shaft of
the nail. I then put the end of the nail in the area of the circlip 180 degrees
oposite from the opening of the "C". Then be patient and pull at it a couple of
times and it will come off.

To put it back on, stack all of the washers, then I took a long, thin
screwdriver and pushed the closed end of the clip back on. Once again, be
patient, it should only takes a few tries.

> Can anyone help me out for any of these things?
> - ---
>  -Preston Brown
>   preston.brown@yale.edu

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com