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Anyone know about Hastings, MN?

Hi gang,  

Sorry about the wasted bandwidth, buit does anyone know about the
events taking place in Hastings, MN this weekend?  Some kind of
German fest?  Auto show???

A fellow Q-lister mentioned it to me, and I'd like to go. 

If you know, please email me,



**   Darin Nederhoff         email:  savidesn@audvid.win.net  **
**                 "Audi Quattro Enthusiast"                  **
**   Teflon makes things slick, Quattro makes 'em STICK! ;)   **
**           '93 S4 (pearl / Ecru) -in the family             **
**           '87 4kCSQ (sapphire blue / gray)-my daily driver **
**           '86 XR4ti (white / gray) -my summer cruiser  ;)  **
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