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abuse of account (fwd)

G'day Mates,

I thought (OK, that's my story anyway, and I'm stickin' to it...) that you
might want to see this, and as the message didn't bounce, you know where to
forward any more of this little twit's mischief.

On the other hand, we might hust have been a random victim of the CIA's
latest foray into "Artificial Stupidity" programs...

------------ Forwarded Message begins here ------------
From: "Barton P. Chambers"  <bartonc@mailhost.infi.net>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 09:32:17 -0400 (EDT)
To: postmaster@tcnet.net
Cc: bat@tcnet.net
Subject: abuse of account

Dear Postmaster,

A cretin who has an email account on your system is seriously abusing it
by sending messages from the (Audi) Quattro mailing list back to the list
in an attempt (which would be laughable if it weren't so obnoxious and 
annoying) to get himself unsubscribed.  Out of courtesy (a concept seemingly 
alien to your client) I have not included any of your client's abuses, but I
have a store I'll be happy to send to you if you desire.

Quattro is a Majordomo list, where subscription and unsubscription is done 
automatically through messages sent to Majordomo, not to the list.

Now despite the fact that most, though certainly not all, persons with the 
mental capacity to use a computer to send email are equally able to remember 
trivia like that, Majordomo automatically sends every new subscriber to any 
Majordomo list a message that contains, FIRST a bold admonition to read and
save the message, and SECOND, *detailed* instructions for unsubscribing.

Unfortunately, Majordomo is unable to anticipate or effectively predict the 
arrival of cretins such as  your client, bat@tcnet.net who seem either unable
to read, or unwilling to demonstrate that ability.  Thus we must prevail upon
your good graces to counsel young bat@tcnet.net, and advise him/her that
reflecting messages back to a mailing list is rather poor form, and because
it reflects poorly upon your service to the world at large, you will not 
tolerate this behavior.

Unless, of course, you *do* tolerate and thus, encourage such behavior; in 
which case, one suspects that you're already beefing up your email server and 
*storage* in anticipation of a deluge of mail forwarded to you from hundreds of 
irritated Quattro lovers from all over the world...  Turnabout being fair play, 
and all that...


Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart 

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