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Re: More VDO info

At 03:46 PM 6/19/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Try an Alta Vista search for "VDO Kienzle".  I got 12 hits, some of which
>look like they might be promising for you.  Use the "'s.
>Your might also try "VDO AG",  "VDO GmBH", etc.
Thanks, Bob. I called them today in Virginia and talked to their service
department. In the process, found that my speedo had not been sent to them,
but a fly by night guy. Still looking into info on whether or not direct
shipping to them is possible (so others won't be in the same boat). They
were horrified about the way I was handled, and quite angry about places
calling themselves 'authorized VDO service centers'. I still have to track
down whom the speedo was actually sent to and complain, not to mention a
long discussion with the local guy about telling me a crock, more than once...
Gearing up for them Better Business Bureau letters, Consumer Fraud division
letters, etc.

For all those out there facing repairs - one straight answer I received
today: There are ONLY 5 authorized VDO service centers in the country. 2 are
on the East coast, 3 on the West coast. Anyone else is NOT an authorized
service center. They told me their repair costs averaged $60-100.00, unless
circuit board work was required. Warrenty is usually 90 days, 5000 miles.

I haven't found out yet about direct shipping. I intend to tell them that
these fly by night places are ripping people off, and giving VDO a bad name
in the process - besides the fact that their plastic gears suck (I'll save
that for last).
********************************AUDI FAN******************************
EMCM(SW) Dave Head (nuclear grade electrician)
87 5KCSTQ 170K miles and now counting (after $230.00 to repair...)
1.9 bar boost (charlie spring, no shim) - @ 1.3 the shuttle launches!
Maitland FL