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Re: Summit Racing ??

At 08:25 AM 6/20/96 -0400, Barton P. Chambers wrote:
>Albert Ng writes:
>> Anyone have Summit Racing phone number?
>(304) 725-8444
>(304) 725-6512
>(304) 728-7124 [fax]
>Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart 
While I don't have their catalog handy, that 304 area is definitly not
right....  Akron's area code is 330!

I also thought they had an 800 number.... That I definitly could wrong about

-JBLewis			R.D.Zande&Associates, Inc.
zande@coil.com		Surveyors, Engineers, Scientists
'91 DSP VW Golf		www.zande.com/zande