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Continuing Saga No Spark


Thanks again,

This a.m. I checked all fuses and went through relays. This has led to one 
curiousity. Perhaps I've swapped relays in some stuperous haste to check things 
out so many months ago. So, I'm carefully checking position and fundction of 
each. Now the question. What is the SVA relay in position No. 3. and.... What 
does the relay for IGEL, K-Jetronic, Deisel pre-glow do?

Ignition switch problem not an issue since I've been using a remote started 
switch. I just turn on the key and then go to the engine compartment to fire up 
the starter. Oh my! Does the load relief relay have a critical function related 
to high amp loads when starter engage? Is that what I've been doing. Can anyone 
respond to this?

Again thanks

Paul A. Caouette
Partners for Community Development
Denver, Colorado
 83 TQC with 207k & Still Going
 85 4000Q 
And Many past Audis Gone but not Forgotten