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Audi Mag + misc

Just back from a two week trip to India.  While in-transit at Frankfurt, 
I picked up a magazine (new?) called Audi Power.  It had a lot of 
interesting articles and pics on Audis.  Also a lot of ads showing a 
aftermarket parts avail for Audis.  The mag is in German.  Wonder if 
there is an english edition.  There was an ad for a 4tip exhaust with 
the tips intersecting to form the Audi logo.

Received my mail order Audi CD changer.  It cost a total of $550 
including shipping + parts for attaching it.  It took me about 20Minutes 
to hook it up without any instructions.  I've located the changer at the 
top left corner of the trunk.  Is this the standard location?

Also, saw a recall notice in my mail.  Have not yet read it in detail.
