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Re: brake Drain
>Eric - I am among those who's not had to do a brake fluid change on
>an Audi yet. Howzcome, and what is the proper technique for use?
>Remember I'm an old fart who has always bled brakes with the help of
>an assistant who is usually one brewski ahead of me......
I've tried all 4 methods of bleeding the Q's brakes and the only one that
works for me is pressure. Gravity did nothing..... No fluid came out...
The Old pump method got the brakes halfway bled but I could still feel
air in the system and I temp. lost the clutch (Until I got the pressure
bleeder on it...) Vacume bleeding was just as effictive as Gravity....
With my pressure bleeder (Mac Tools BBT-2) I can bleed my brakes and
clutch in less than 4 min and not even jack the car up........
Eric Fletcher
St. Louis, MO