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Monterey Historic Races
I've been trying to drum up enough interest from Audi fans to set up an
Audi corral at the upcoming Monterey Historic Races at Laguna Seca. So
far it doesn't seem like there are too many people interested, but I
thought I'd float one more request. To qualify for a corral we need
35 pre-paid tickets for each day the corral will be available. By pur-
chasing the tickets beforehand you can save $5 as well. Feel free to
contact me if you are interested in going to the races, BMW is the
featured marque this year. I need to have the ticets paid for in a
couple of weeks, and the races are the weekend of August 16-18.
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
408.468.6244 (work/voice mail)