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Re: 91 200 Q Mileage!!!!!!!

> Subject: 91 200 Q Mileage!!!!!!
> On my trip from Chicago back to CT, I filled my tank with 91 octane in
> OH (only $1.29/gallon). I drove on the Ohio turnpike to my friends house north
> of Pittsburgh, drove him around for about 25 miles, getting on it every time I
> could, then drove up to I-80 and drove to Berwick, PA.
> I drove exactly 500 miles on the tank, when I filled it up, it took 17.5
> gallons.
> Actual mileage -- 28.5 MPG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Computer mileage -- 25.3 MPG
> I love this car!

My second tank of gas I got 26.4 MPG (more stop and go driving)
Computer mileage -- 24.8

Got to love it!

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com