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Re: More Incredibly Stupid (plug seats)?


Paul Royal wrote on Mon, 08 Jul:

>Ok, Mr. Duane and others...assuming you're able to get the plugs out of 
>the engine on a 90Q20v, what's the best way to remove any dirt from around 
>the area where the plugs go in.  When I changed plugs on my old 5K I would 
>go to my local gas station first and take their air hose to the area to 
>make sure I wouldn't drop any unnecessary grit into the cylinders as I was 

Hi Paul,

I have an '89 Audi 100E (5 cylinder 10V). The spark plug seats in this 
engine must be one of the worst designs ever (worse than the 20V??). When I 
bought my car, the "slots" around the plugs were filled with oily junk that 
was incredibly hard to get out. My recommendation would be to (on a COLD 
engine) do the following:
- Let the plug seats sit for a while in a strong degreaser/solvent
- Try with a micro blade or similar to scrub loose as much as you can
- Wash it all out with high-pressure water
- Blow it dry with compressed air (and to get remaining residue out)
- Take the plugs out delicately
- Clean the residue out (you can't get it all otherwise) with a Q-tip (soft 
  cotton on a stick) - Don't drop anything down the cylinder!!!
- Always keep the engine clean so you won't have to repeat this again.


P-O Selander
'89 100 E
'91 300 ZXTT