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Engine light fixed, NOT!
I thought it was fixed,
After my post yesterday and the weather allowed I checked my duty cycle. It was
up to 70-80%, so it was lean. OK, I reset it to the correct % and figured I was
OK though why was it off?
As I was getting the breather hose to reconnect to the valve cover I noticed a
vaccum line off. Down near the bottom of the bomb juice bottle. a purple
plastic line. So I put it back in and rechecked the DC%. Now it was rich, I
reset it again and pulled the line of again and it went back to 80%.
So it should be fixed. The light only came on when I had high vaccum and no
Not fixed though. I still get a light though more briefly than before. I'm not
too worried though. As time and a cool engine permit I will look for more leaks
I guess. Maybe the IC-TB hose someone sudjested.
Thanks for all the replies