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Re: I need My AC!!!!

>BTW-  Just read "How long should a V8 last" Whats the norm for the 4kq 
>line, I've heard horror stories about the I5 having a short life?? My 
>has about 150kmiles so far and eats no oil, but idels rough??  Oh well, 
>my last car (vw-TurboDiesal Jetta 83 RIP-204,500miles!!)

First off it sounds like your low on freon due to the leak in the 
condenser and that is causing the A/C Compressor to short cycle and not 
get cold.

I5's having short lifes?  I think not....  My old '81 Coupe has 425,000 
Miles on it and has NEVER been opened up and now my parts yard guy use's 
it as his daily driver......


Eric Fletcher
St. Louis, MO