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RE: ISV sticking? Try cleaning the electrical plug first.
Ian Duff wrote:
>Here's an interesting observation: the ISV on my '90 CQ was causing one
>of the usual dying/sticking symptoms of crummy transition on/off
>throttle at low speed.
>To confirm that it wasn't something else (how could that be, one asks,
>given the simplicity of our beloved Audis?), I unplugged it for my
>morning commute through Boston rush hour traffic. On/off throttle
>transition problems went away, saying that the ISV was the culprit, but
>lousy idle speed (what a surprise) was a problem. I plugged the ISV back
>in when I got to work, knowing I'd have to stop on the way home to get
>some carb cleaner to bathe the ISV in.
>The ride home was my turn for a visit from the Audi Gods. The on/off
>throttle lurching went away! The idle speed was rock steady! Seems a
>little loving attention to the ISV, like unplugging and the re-plugging,
>may be enough to solve my problem! It has so far, X X (that's crossed
>fingers on *both* hands).
>Ian Duff, New Bedford, MA, USA
>1990 Coupe Quattro 20v
Coincidentally, I had done the EXACT SAME THING on my QC 20v just
last weekend! I was having problems with the idle speed bouncing
between 0-1500 RPM, and the problem was getting bad enough that it
caused a few stalls. So, I go at the ISV. I unplugged it and the problem
disappeared, but low idle. Plugged it back in - steady idle, purring like 5
in-line kittens! It's been OK since.
Steve Buchholz was onto something when he said:
>GAWD ... I hope my car never gets any ideas from other cars on this list!
Fellow Q-listers, consider yourself warned!
I knew I couldn't get out of this one without some sort of sacrifice. As I
was prying off the little metal clip that holds the plug on, I was thinking to
myself "It sure would awful if this thing popped off and fell into the engine
compartment." Before I could bite my tongue it happened. Fearing that it
had come to rest near a vital moving part, I desperately searched. Several
hours later I found it . . . and an oil leak near the bottom rear of the engine.
I was so concerned about the oil leak that I forgot where I put the clip.
Mother of twelve b*st*rds! It was GONE! I gave up and used a garbage
bag twist-tie, then drowned my frustrations in a bottle of the darkest beer I
could find.
Eric Renneisen
'90 QC 20v
'86 4KS