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Re: Advice needed: WHat to buy?

> This could be my daily driver and I could add the Lotus at a later time
> when my wife lets me (now she wants a new couch!!  I said we can sit in
> the car;-)).

So, just how expensive is that couch your wife wants to buy, anyway?  ;^) 

> Any thoughts and opinions will be appreciated.  How would the UrQ or the >
5ktq look pulling an open trailer with the 4kq race car on the back? > Can
they haul this much?

Even with an aluminum trailer, I think you'll find it's too heavy for safe
towing ... as a rule of thumb, the tow vehicle should be at least as heavy
as the loaded trailer and given that your 4kq is 2800 pounds plus, I think
you're just asking for trouble.  Of course, so long as the racecar's legal
for the street, you'll always have a spare if you have any trouble...

I was planning on getting an aluminum tow-dolly (350 pounds) to pull my EP
4k (1865 pounds) behind my '89 200q but I just learned that, at least here
in AZ, the towed car must still be licensed and insured because two wheels
are in contact with the road.  Maybe I should look for an aluminum trailer
(650+ pounds) instead or buy a beater station wagon with a V8?  Maybe it's
best just to find a way to license the car ... sticking lights on it isn't
too much of a problem but getting it through emissions definitely will be.

Does anyone know of a racer-friendly state where license plates are easily
obtained?  There are still some counties in Arizona that are exempted from 
emissions testing Arizona but rumor is this will end starting next year...
     _             _             
    / l       l o l  \       l o   Jeffrey Goggin
   /__l l l / l l l  l l l / l l   * * * * * * *
  /   l l_l \_l l l__/ l_l \_l l   AudiDudi@delphi.com