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RE: 1990 Audi Questions

Fact (?!?!?!) One: Your CQ is just getting broken in, minus the little
things you are going to fix.

Fact Two, you get a new car, you own the steep part of the depreciation
curve, insurance is expensive, etc.

Fact Three: New car comes with warranty.

I would say two to one in favor of keeping the CQ.

Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe Quattro 20v

Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
Work: Charter Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA

>From: 	BASSTREB@aol.com[SMTP:BASSTREB@aol.com]
>Sent: 	Friday, July 12, 1996 12:50 PM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	1990 Audi Questions
>Hi everyone, 
>Been awhile since I have been in sync with this group, however I need
>good advice.
>I have a 1990 Audi Coupe Quattro with 108,000 miles.  Black with black
>leather.  I really baby this car however its miles are starting to
>I just spent $1,000 to get ignition wires replaced, rotor resurfaced,
>filter changed, all fluids changed, tune-up.....and I anticipate
>another $1,000 to get it in BRAND NEW condition.  
>Based on what I can get for this car right now.....does it make sense
>to do
>this work and have a tip-top Coupe Quattro (I own it outright, no lease
>payments).........or should I sell it now and lease an A4Q for three
>and just give it back afterwards (or buy it at that time if I am in
>love with
>I would really appreciate any feedback that anyone out there may have.