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Another brake question

Hi Audi fans,

Finally, I received the rear rotors and pads yesterday, and I think I 
would probably start working on the rear brakes in the next few days. While
I was inspecting the parts yesterday, I found out a couple of things that 
I am not really sure about them. Here they are: 

The first thing is that the rotors seemed a bit dirty(lot of dust and 
oil). Do I have clean them up before I put it on? Water or brake cleaner?

The second thing is that there was a sheet of aluminium foil sticker kind of 
thing came with the shipping. It said that it is for dampen the brake 
squeal. Is this thing works or should I just use the normal brake quiet 
gel instead?

Third thing is something about the brake pads. I am kind a confused 
about the indoard and outboard brake pads. Is that the one that on the 
pistion side is inboard pad?

That is it for my stupid questions. I would greatly appreciate any input 
and suggestion.

Thank you
 	Very Much    

'87 5kcst