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Re: Bomb Warning removal <- Darwin was right.

>Agreed with all of the above, to which I can add...  Have you ever tried to
>stop a car with power disk brakes and no power assist?  Unless you are
>Schwartzenegger, you'll find it very difficult.  Here's a test...   Find a
>nice empty street and get a friend to help you.  release all the bomb
>pressure, and get your friend to push you in the car and apply the brakes to
>stop the car, then imagine how that would feel at above 5 MPH, or at 60 

My name is Not Arnold and I don't have superhuman leg strength (I leg 
press 800lbs) But from day one I have disabled my bomb because I hate 
power assist brakes...  The vacume booster on my old Coupe was disabled 
as was the booster on my Z-car....  To top it off no race car that I have 
drivin in the last 5 years has had power assist on the brakes either.  
It's all a matter of personal preference.


Eric Fletcher
St. Louis, MO